My big project I'm working on at the moment is a Western. It's coming along a little slow...ok really slow actually but I'll dive back into it once I finish my One O'clock Jump 2 (or whatever it's called) part. I've been watching tons of Western movies to make sure I nail all the details and everything, and I think I've spent more time writing out the storyboards and everything than actually working in Flash. But whatever, I'm excited to get going on it and hopefully I'll get it done in a reasonable amount of time (I'm shooting for the Winter sometime). Keep in mind this thing is gonna be huge - I've got it laid out at around three and a half minutes so I'll be putting in a lot of work to get it out as soon as possible.
I'll keep you posted. Literally.
cool but i would not do a western!! its 2007, we want murder techno and a touch of Avril Lavigne... seriously you'll get bad voting!!1