For a while I've noticed something in animations. Not just here on Newgrounds, where it runs pretty rampant, but all over the place - in kid's cartoons, major motion picture type animations, anything like that, it could even extend over into the drawing territory. What I'm talking about is a little hard to explain, so let me break it down with a nice example:
1. Say I'm drawing a garage, throw a car in there, maybe a shelf and, of course, trash cans.
2. So I'm drawing one of these trashcans, I draw the typical silver can with dark lines on it and the removable saucer type lid.
3. Here's my point - No one even uses metal trashcans like these any more! The garbage cans in most of our houses are plastic, probably a dark blue or green color and have flip up lids and can roll around.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that in animation, people draw objects that people can easily identify with, they'll say "oh, that's a trashcan", except they probably won't say that because nobody really talks when they're watching a cartoon, but they'll recognize it at least. But why do people identify with these 'symbols' if that's not how things usually look? Here's another example:
1. This time I'm drawing a woman carrying groceries.
2. I draw the groceries and I'll draw a french baguette sticking out of the top, and maybe have a carton of eggs and milk and maybe even some broccoli or something sticking out too.
3. Who gets all that shit when they go to the store?
I don't actually have an answer to any of this stuff, I'm just more of wondering why animators or artists still draw this stuff if it's not actually how things look in real life. People might identify with it, sure, but why do they identify with it if that's not how anything ever really looks? If enough time passes will artists have to change the way they draw this stuff (if generations go by and nobody knows what the hell the metal can on the screen is)?
Just some thoughts.
(BTW, I'm not making that movie in my header and stuff, I just had the urge to make a 1930's movie theme. Also, anyone who gets the credits reference in the header should pat themselves on the back)
Well... i think that animation has always been one of those things that is never really out to recreate reality the way a still life painting does.. its more of a series of visual shortcuts to lead to you believe that characters are moving the way they are or that they are in the settings they've been placed in... so to make it accessible to everyone they use generilizations of nonessential objects for the sake of connecting with all sorts of audiences across all sorts of cultures.. it just makes sense to take advantage as an animator of the accepted 'norms' of the general public's perception of things... i think if you were to use a 'real life' trash can or like in your movie: 'Good Morning' where you have that deodorant stick... it complicates my life as a viewer cause we start to try to FORCE mental connections with the object BECAUSE you made it so true to life and not the iconic representation. I dunno you bring up a very interesting question though.. you should bring it up in the Reg Lounge or point people over here.... ITS SO LONELY POSTING HERE..
I was actually gonna do that, gotta update my sig first though.