A lot of stuff, thanks for asking. But seriously:
1. First on my list, obviously, is my Western movie. I had kind of hoped I would be at around the 1:00 mark by the end of summer but I'm only at about 0:40 seconds so far. Not all that bad but I need to move my ass and get this thing a little further along.
2. Unnamed One O'clock Jump 2 thing, just turned in my part a day or two ago so I'm glad to be done with that. If I make it in I honestly have no idea of when it'll hit the portal so for the zero super-fans I have out there, you'll probably have to wait around a month or two (that's just a wild guess) to see it.
3. A series of shorts. Not gonna release what they're about until the first one comes out, but I'll be sure to post screens and whatnot so you guys can get a look at it. These are the kind of movies I can get done on the side in about 1-3 weeks so expect to see 2 or 3 of them before the year is up.
4. My old ass Pico movie I never got off my ass to finish. Yeah, it probably still won't get done but I do want to finish it some day because I've put a lot of work into already. It's still on the list of shit I have to do, but I never really planned out where I was going with it in the year that I've been "working on it" so I'll have to sit down one day and really write a good ending and middle to it.
5 and 6. I've also got about 2 random little movies I want to finish to that are just sitting half finished in my Flash folder. Actually one of them isn't even started yet.
Well, by the looks of it Summer was a good time to start projects and only get about 10-40 seconds into them. Now I have to go back and spend the Fall wrapping them up, and since school's starting up again tomorrow that's probably gonna be a little harder than I thought. They should just stop making school y'know?
Also, Marc M. made a CD which you should probably order because I already ordered it on Wednesday.